miércoles, 26 de agosto de 2015

Conceptual map of Self-esteem (what is, examples, causes and consequences of a low self-esteem, etc.)
List of your personality defects and qualities (ask at least four different people in order to enhance it and give some examples on how these affect your lives)
Mental map of common disorders in teens including mental, eating, behavioural, addiction along with causes and consequences (bulimia, anorexia, sexually transmitted infections, bipolarity, depressiveness)
Mental map of the importance and relevance of education
Chart of rights and responsibilities about sexuality and conclude with a reflection on the consequences of not being sexually responsible
Search and bring two testimonials of soldier children, rapped children, abused children. Read and summarize them for a common set. Links book p.25
Comparative collage presenting at least six characteristics of underdeveloped countries and six of developed ones and state your opinion where you think your country is by giving at least four examples.
Mental map of poverty in the world and poverty in Mexico (including the coat of arms of the poorest states in Mexico)
Mental map of the needed things in order to grow, learn and healthy develop in a community 
First Project: what is: justice, freedom, equality, equity, solidarity, cooperation, inclusion and sustainability (meaning, examples, and film a video living the value)
Mental map of moral values in democratic societies, with examples and importance of having them and the impact of not having them
Think of the following situations: use drugs because yours friends do, steal something you want and can’t have, cheat on your couple because you like someone else, let a friend bulled someone else, have sexual relationships with your couple cause he/she is asking.  Now write next to each two legal positive consequences and two negative ones, two ethical positive consequences and two negative ones.  Now make a list of at least 10 decisions you have made and 10 you will have to come to in 10 years’ time.
Conceptual map of the components needed to make decisions such as what, who, how, and indicators with a clear definition and an example of each.
Conceptual map of assertivity (what is, principles needed, example and consequences of being assertive)
Mental map of the laws and services in Veracruz to protect health, employment, safety, security and to avoid violence and corruption along with their evaluation of their effectiveness and some ideas to correct them
List at least 10 distinctions in Mexico that are made among men and women, interview three different women on this regard and report their thoughts and emotions
Mental map of environmental damage and some ideas to stop it in the world
Second Project: in a piece of board prepare a collage drug trade including main drugs used in Mexico, social, physical, psychological and emotional damage, consequences to society and suggestion on how to deal with the problem
Mental map of reproductive health
Conceptual map of contraceptives you need at least 12 (name, how they work, advantages and disadvantages)
Mental map of the physical, emotional, economic and social consequences of an unplanned pregnancy

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